
Kingdom Day is a homeschool hybrid program that launched fall 2022. We exist to educate the whole child in their God-given bent, raising up creative leaders who will bring more of heaven to earth.

We hold tightly to the Christian values of excellenceintegrity and creativity as the three-fold cord of wisdom, expecting these of both staff and learners.  

Excellence: Our original and ongoing mandate from Genesis is to bring order, goodness and beauty into the world where there currently isn’t any. Every participant of Kingdom Day is encouraged to do this to the best of their ability. 

Creativity: Children are inherent learners. Children are inherently creative. The Kingdom Day environment works with these traits instead of against them in a non-traditional classroom in which the unique potential of each child is expected and nourished. Our creative potential is what makes us unique among living things. Our staff believe in joy-based learning, incorporating adventure and play when possible. 

Integrity: Kids learn best in positive environments, not ones in which they perform to avoid punishment. By honoring the best version of our learners, we will call them to the highest form of integrity, bringing meaning, depth and joy to learning. 

Who we are at a glance

  • Kingdom Education: We believe in educating the whole child, leading them in their unique path. We are all given gifts by God to better the world and bring His kingdom to earth. Kingdom Day partners with parents to raise up kings and priests to the Lord (Rev 1:6). Each child has a genius within that we work to discover and encourage.
  • Project-based learning: Projects encourage engaged and multi-subject learning. Each day provides time for self and group projects for meaningful learning with an impactful outcome.
  • Multi-age classroom: Kingdom Day is intentionally built with multi-age classrooms. This helps instill in learners a multi-generational team mindset (as reflected in our families, the world and in our original design) instead of a modern team mindset where everyone is on the same level. We also recognize that age is not the best determining factor for aptitude. 
  • Play: It’s proven we learn best when we’re are operating from enjoyment. Incorporating play and adventure in learning heightens the amount children retain. Unstructured free time, outdoors when possible, is held every day for all age groups. For most of human history, children educated themselves through observing, exploring, questioning, playing and participating. Students are given space within the day to explore and pursue interests in this manner.

How we operate

Classes are held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at At The Cross Fellowship in Monroe. Tuesday and Thursday focus on core subjects and project based learning. Wednesdays are enrichment days, featuring Bible teaching, arts, STEAM and exploration projects.

Families may choose to attend all three days, Tuesday/Thursday, or Wednesday only.

Statement of Belief

As a Christian-based program we hold to: 

  • Traditional, biblical values.
  • A Christian worldview, based on the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament inspired by God. 
  • Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the Virgin Mary; He is true God and true man. Christ died for our sins and all who confess Him as Lord and Savior become children of God. 
  • The home and local church as the spiritual authority for each learner.
  • A non-denominational approach. Curriculum and our tutor approach is from a non-denominational, Christian worldview.